Yesterday was , today is and tomorrow will - be normal huh? Seemingly - yes, the days come and days go - but, there was something about today that made me anxious about tomorrow.
After several ruminations, I was certain to do something about my anxiety; But what could I do? Go back in time and undo the ills of mankind?
What can I do - tell you about it?
We often make ourselves busier than a busy bee or are disinterested to take a step back and look around. Some of us attribute the tendency to skim through and do away with such write ups to attention deficit. For others, the subject may be too cliched. No matter.
Our perceptions will not change a thing; our actions will.
Listen up!
It is estimated that Himalayan glaciers will disappear in less than a century from now leaving billions without a source of water.
Atmospheric Carbon density has reached 300 ppm; never before.
Weather is varied and erratic. Floods and droughts like snakes and ladders.
Gobal Rice, Wheat and Maize stocks are at an all time low. Commodities cost 50% more.
Fuel consumption has seen manifold increases. So have prices.
Forests are receding like a hairline. Drylands are increasing.
Human Population is exploding. As several other species are disappering.
Every natural resource is exploited and depleted. Our cities are burgeoning with sky scrappers and cars.
What does tomorrow hold?
It is wishful thinking to think we can heal the world and that everything will be allright. Have you every faced a situation where everything looked grim? Our future certainly is....
It is time we pledge to do what we can to save our mother - Earth.
- Never leave a tap open
- Walk, run, cycle when you can; Consume less fuel
- Choose food that is not frozen; it takes 12 times as much to produce the same in a frozen form
- Switch off! whether in home or office, turn off that computer, light, fan or Air conditioner (AC) when not in use
- Have ACs cleaned regularly to gain efficency
- Ensure every bulb you replace from now on is CFL
- Go Solar! lighting and heating
- Plant Trees; dont chop them down
- Teach conservation to Children & practice what you preach
- Mum's not the word. Spread it! Let everyone you know - Earth day is everyday.
A very Happy Earth Day Ravi.. made a good casual read.
One rather important element I found missing on your actions list is recycling... I know that recycling is not very much in practice at Indian homes, but we did have separate waste bins at office. Here in Hillsboro, we segregate all different kind of recyclable items - glass, paper, plastic, corrugated boxes, aluminium, garden waste - and only the rest of the junk goes into daily waste bin.
Sneha here, read this blog also its really good.Can you send me your id please.
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